Who goes to the Eiffel Tower and writes : "We saw the Eiffel Tower and watched the sunset. You get the idea." and that's it??!! I can't let that go by- THE EIFFEL TOWER IS AWESOME. We went at the perfect time- evening when it was still very light. We climed up 700 steps (its cheaper of course and shorter lines) and by the time we got up to the middle, the sun started to set. Then as we climed back down, the sun set, and the lights came on. We also met fellow brothers and sisters on the way up and down as well. It was everything you think it will be times a hundred. Well worth the lines, the fees, and the scary climb up. We went across the street to the bank of the Seine river and had crepes and beer.

Family from Ukraine- one sister from Ukraine came up to Emily and I and said she loved us. It was the only English she knew. Very touching

Sisters handing out French candy.
The only thing that can top the Eiffel Tower, is of course what we are really here for: Today we went on our tour. We met for breakfast in the lobby and let me tell you- Jehovah's organization does not skimp on food. We definitley had a proper breakfast! Then we drove 2 hrs to the French Bethel in the town of Louviers, in the Normandy region.
The French Bethel is very clean and cute. In some parts it even looks like an Ikea- very stylish. After a good breakfast and 2 hr drive, we needed a bathroom asap. So the first stop on the tour were bathrooms set up for the tour. Little did we know, we would be squatting in heels! Very interesting. What's funny is that at the end of the tour, they had more bathrooms set up for us with REAL TOILETS. I think they did that as a joke on us.
The boys were admiring the new carpet that looked like wood floors. This was humorous to the Bethelites. Weird americans taking pictures of the flooring! All the Bethel family were so nice- giving us gifts as we go along the tour. I kept making sure I still had my purse, and then I realized we were in the safest place - physically and spiritually. It was wonderful.
Family from Ukraine- one sister from Ukraine came up to Emily and I and said she loved us. It was the only English she knew. Very touching
Sisters handing out French candy.
We had boxed lunch on the way back to Paris- just a warning: if you are on the Atkins diet, don't even come to France until you are done. Our lunch was a giant baguette, a large piece of chocolate cake, and a smaller baguette-like cookie. People say even though you eat bread and cheese all day that you still lose weight because you walk everywhere. I have yet to experience this! Maybe we need to climb the Eiffel Tower again...
We ended the day, driving around Paris FOR 4 MORE HOURS. We did mostly drive-bys, hopped out at like 2 places, and still did not see all of the city. Everything about the city is so planned and beautiful to the eye- its overwhelming- but not a let down in anyway.
What good are these things if we can't share them with others? We really do miss everyone at home. The only thing that would make it better is if you all were here with us. Cheesy, but true. And that's not the jet-lag talking...
~ Jessica